prior judges
Every year the IPPF Finals are judged by some of the world's foremost experts in politics, debate, business, and law.
Previous judges have included:
Alex Abdo
Former Senior Staff Attorney
ACLU Speech, Privacy, and Technology Project
William A. Brewer III
Brewer, Attorneys & Counselors
Ret. General Wesley K. Clark
United States Army
Sarah K. Cowan, Ph.D.
Executive Director
NYU Cash Transfer Lab
Reid Detchon
Senior Advisor for Climate Solutions
United Nations Foundation
Fred Guterl
Former Executive Editor
Scientific American
Richard N. Haass, Ph.D.
Council on Foreign Relations
Jon Paul Lupo
Former Director of Intergovernmental Affairs
Mayor Bill de Blasio's Office
Mike Massimino, Ph.D.
Michael Posner
Former Assistant Secretary of State
U.S. State Department
Kathryn Rubino
Senior Editor
Above the Law
John Sexton, Ph.D.
President Emeritus
New York University
Marschall Smith
Former Senior Vice President of Legal Affairs
and General Counsel
3M Co.
Robin Sparkman
Former Editor in Chief
The American Lawyer
Raghu Sundaram, Ph.D.
NYU Stern School of Business
Sandra Whitehouse, Ph.D.
Ocean Wonks LLC
Howard Wolfson
Former Deputy Mayor
New York City